“Lineage Research, A New Healthy-Lifestyle To Share With Love Ones”


New Year Celebrations

Written By: D.K. Williams  10/17/2023

As we go back in time to understand who our ancestors were, (from platforms like 23andMe DNA Testing or Ancestry DNA Testing), we need to ask ourselves these questions: (1) What was their ‘Social Climate’ like between their socio-demographics? (2) What ‘Economic Factors’ did they face in raising their families? and (3) What was their ‘Political Climate’ like: Who was their POTUS and were we at war?

Researching our ancestors to find out who they were? How they were connected to other people with different last names? Marriage is essential in understanding the many branches of our family tree and our connection to the world.

Understanding these questions will give us a brief look into the emotional stressors that our ancestors may have experienced during their lifespan. That may have been the root cause of the chronic diseases that we have inherited from them today. So, as you research your ancestors, keep these important questions in mind. 

Another important factor to remember, hospital technologies have evolved since the creation of medical centers. Including, the skillsets of Surgeons to this day. Our ancestors may have had shorter lifespans, due to a lack of doctors’ experience in understanding their patient’s needs, internally.

Also, remember from a longevity standpoint from the past, agencies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA.gov), founded on June 30, 1906, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC.gov), founded on July 1, 1946, weren’t established then. If it wasn’t for CDC.gov that kept us in the know about COVID-19 virus spread or the approval vaccination measures of the FDA.gov more people would have died, than the outstanding number of millions globally. 


After our lineage research. We will understand that stressors have led our ancestors to their chronic diseases. That we have inherited through their DNA. We can live our lives longer through proactive healthy habits measures. Not to suffer the same consequences from those chronic diseases.

People who suffer from chronic diseases of Heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, obesity, and arthritis experience limitations in living. This not only affects their work life but their play life too. There are reference books on the nutritional values of what every part of our body needs on a daily regime to function. 

The more we know by reading Nutrition Facts, by Karen Frazier the better we can plan our ‘Wellness Food and Health Habit Plans’ for our life and our families. Correct food intake is not the only regime we need to be concerned about. It’s also going to be how we exercise per day, either while we are at work before work, or once we come home from work. 

Healthy Foods and daily exercises go hand and hand in how we become proactive in staying healthy. Which helps us avoid the consequences of our inherited sufferings if we decide to do nothing about it. Or instead, make matters worse by using an escape mechanism to cope with the truth. 

Smoking weed, vaping, drinking alcohol, eating fast foods, eating processed foods vs. plant-based foods, and not exercising will be all the assumptions doctors will determine that cause your organs to fail based on your inherited chronic diseases. Don’t be fooled if you think you can fool the doctors. They can tell by the color of your eyes, the size of your body if it’s abnormal for your age, and the non-verbal when you lie.

Take the smart path, especially after reading more in-depth about what your ancestors may have gone through to survive in their time. You were born to be an extension of their lives. Live more stress-free if you can design your lifestyle to do just that. Be more optimistic around negative people and climates of today.

Don’t put the wrong things into your body, as it pertains to food, drinks, and illegal substances. You are a generational miracle of your family tree. You carry the knowledge and the wisdom for future generations. How you live, learn, and grow will affect your family’s legacy for eternity.

Think of it this way: while we, children and young adults are trying to discover our purpose in life, the answer to that question starts with our ancestors. Our purpose is to live a longer life span with a better health plan. To carry our family name with a stronger conviction to endure, lead, and survive in today’s world.